Social, ecological, and economic shocks disrupt the development trajectory of countries, interrupt the provision of crucial services and affect marginalised groups particularly severely. Strengthening the resilience to such shocks is therefore key for reducing human suffering and ensuring sustainable developments that leave no one behind. It is also a key step to achieving the 2030 Agenda.
Enhancing resilience of communities and societies requires decisive action that takes the conditions of local contexts into account. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are able to quickly identify context-sensitive, practical and inclusive solutions. This second funding line of the Recover Better Support Fund therefore strengthens efforts from CSOs whose activities directly contribute to building social cohesion and socio-economic resilience in their communities. The main goal is to support these organisations in scaling up their already tested activities in the areas of education, health, livelihoods and MSMEs, and social and political participation, to reach additional regions and/or groups.
Selected projects
CSOs with proven implementation experience and understanding of carrying out activities in the COVID-19 environment could apply for this funding line. Scaling up activities must be carried out in at least one of the following four categories:
- Education: Maintaining and expanding educational opportunities in times of crisis (e.g. by promoting digital formats such as distance learning), especially for children (mainly girls), youth, persons with disabilities, or those otherwise excluded from education.
- Health: Scaling up existing and preventive measures against the pandemic and other health risks such as domestic/gender-based violence (e.g. through awareness campaigns and virtual workshops), especially for women, girls, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons living below and just above the poverty line.
- Securing livelihoods and promoting MSMEs: Creating work opportunities or expanding existing business networks, building economic resilience and agency (e.g. through training/workshops/information campaigns on issues such as micro-entrepreneurship and vocational skills), especially for women, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, migrant workers, and persons living below and just above the poverty line.
- Social and political participation: Promoting civil society participation, particularly activities promoting the participation of marginalised groups in local decision-making processes, adapted to local needs in the current COVID-19 context. For example, digital dialogues and consultation mechanisms to collectively discuss possible responses to the crisis.